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Practicum Experience

CADS 4910

Practicum: Welcome
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BigHouse Foundation


This semester, I had the privilege of completing my practicum at BigHouse Foundation in Opelika, Alabama. BigHouse is operated by Micah Melnick, who is the founder and executive director. She is assisted by Tatum Black, who is the assistant director. BigHouse's mission is “to connect the needs of foster families with the generosity of the community through the love of Jesus Christ. We aim to impact the lives of children in foster care in a positive way through meeting their needs and serving their foster families. We are passionate about advocating for these families and educating the community on the needs of children in the foster care system” ( They then go on to quote the bible, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27”. Some other goals they mention are to create opportunities for these foster children and families to create relationships with other families in the foster care community, and to also normalize lives for the children in foster care. I chose to work with BigHouse this semester after learning about their organization in my "Introduction to Nonprofit and Philanthropy" course. I had no previous knowledge of the foster care system, and I was curious to know more. My learning experience as a practicum student has been one like no other.

Practicum: About

Community Resources: The BigHouse Boutique

The clothing boutique is for BigHouse's foster families to come and "shop". Families come to the boutique and get 10 items of clothing and 1 pair of shoes for each of their children, each month, free of charge. This includes their foster kids, as well as biological kids. The clothing items are all donations that are selectively sorted through by volunteers, practicum students, and internship students. Donations can range from clothing items to baby items such as, strollers, diapers wipes, etc. BigHouse also accepts gently used teen accessories, toys, beds, and other housing items.

Practicum: Text

Community Resources: New to Care Program

When children are new to the foster care system in the county, BigHouse will prepare "New to Care" bags for these children by working alongside the child's case worker or foster parent. These bags are brand new, stocked with pajamas, underwear, socks, a toothbrush and toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, soap, deodorant and feminine products (depending on age), diapers and wipes (also depending on age), hairbrush/comb, new stuffed animal, blanket, book or coloring book, comfy clothes, a blanket, and a Bible and journal. This is all for the foster child to feel a sense of normalcy while in their first 24-48 hours of foster care. As I previously mentioned, all items are brand new and are donated by the community.

Practicum: Text

My Roles and Responsibilities:

My primary responsibilities within this organization have mainly been running the clothing boutique. This includes sorting our donations each day and communicating with families when we have specific items in that they have been needing. I also assist families in "shopping" for their children.
One of my favorite responsibilities at BigHouse is packing the "New to Care" bags. The feeling of prepping a bag for a child that is new to the system is indescribable. While picking out the pajamas and clothing items, I am able to pray over the child and their family. It really is a privilege to prep each bag that comes in.
Lastly I have the responsibility of helping with volunteers. When it comes to volunteers at BigHouse, I would say that we have been very blessed this semester. There has not been a day that I have been at BigHouse and there not be a group or an individual volunteering. Volunteers make such a big impact for Bighouse.
However, our day-to-day agenda is always changing though, so I also help with the planning and prepping for events.

Practicum: Text

My Learning Experience:

I have learned so much about foster and adoptive care while being a practicum student at BigHouse. However, I have also learned a lot about myself. I love meeting and interacting with new people. This practicum has not only allowed me to meet many foster families of east Alabama, but also get to know the incredible women who run BigHouse Foundation. The relationships the staff forms with families is what makes BigHouse so special. Micah has such passion and drive towards this organization. She really pours into the families, students, volunteers, and staff and puts the Lord first while doing so. This has inspired me to want to work for a CEO who leads their organization with humility, intentionality, and integrity. It has also taught me that l love job settings that prioritize ministry.
I wish I could say that I was able to learn the things I did not like, but I had not experienced that. I love working with the nonprofit sector. After I graduate, I am hoping that my future employer will be of that sector, or similar. Especially one where I can serve others. BigHouse does a miraculous job serving the foster community. They have exceeded far beyond the expectations of executing their mission, and I know they will continue to do so.

Practicum: Text

A Moment That Brought Me Joy:

Pictured to the left, is one of the most exciting moments I have had at BigHouse.
One of the staff members had went to the post office to pick up mail. Little did we know that we would have tons of packages from amazon. These boxes were filled with toys from our Christmas wishlist. I had the privilege of unboxing all of them and getting to sort the toys for our Santa's Workshop! This is a time when BigHouse's biological, foster, and adoptive children get to "shop" for Christmas. 
It really is such a blessing to see our community contribute to BigHouse by gifting children with free presents for Christmas. The joy that will be brought to these kids is one that is indescribable!

Practicum: Image
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